My husband spent two years serving an LDS mission in Japan. While he was there, he grew to love Asian/Japanese Cooking. For the past Seven Years of our life/marriage together, I have enjoyed trying out new Asian or Japanese recipes on him. I must say, He is quite partial to it and I haven't heard him complain once. Anytime I make something that Is Asian inspired in taste, I can guarantee that he will jump for joy with excitement when he smells the wonderful aromas that waft out into the garage after he arrives home from a long day at the office!! My latest quest in this area was trying an Asian Beef Stew Recipe. What is really nice about this recipe is that it can be cooked in the crock pot and it isn't at all intimidating. All you need to do is cut ever thing up/dump the ingredients and spices into your pot and let it simmer all day until you are ready for dinner. It is such a yummy Stew and it will have your kitchen smelling wonderful! Otanoshimi ni= "have a good time/enjoy!"
Asian Beef Stew
Recipe and Picture adapted from Slow cooker Meals
2 onions, cut into 1/4 inch slices
1 1/2 lbs. round steak, slice thin across the grain
2 stalks of celery, sliced
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
or 1 cup peeled baby carrots
1 c. sliced mushrooms
1 c. orange juice
1 c. beef broth
1/3 c. Hoisin Sauce *
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 to 2 teaspoons Chinese 5 Spice powder or curry powder
1 c. frozen peasHot cooked Rice
Chopped Fresh Cilantro (optional)
* Available in the Asian foods aisle of your local market.
1. Place onions, beef, celery, carrots and mushrooms in Crock pot slow cooker.
2. Combine orange juice, broth, hoisin sauce, cornstarch an 5 spice powder in small bowl. Our into crock pot. Cover and cook on high 5 hours until beef is tender.
3. Stir in peas. Cook for 20 minutes longer or until peas are tender. Serve with hot cooked rice and garnish with cilantro, if desired.
Makes 6 servings.
Ashlee, The Culinary Queen
What a fun blog! I am impressed with all the things you get done. Do you find any time to sleep? Thanks for sharing all your fun and yummy meal ideas!